
Welcome to Osmosis


This is our welcome experience and what users see when they download and open the Osmosis app. I built in a movement interaction where our branding figure Mo is seen bouncing around within a gradient of color to captivate the user's attention.

  • Users can "create an account" or "sign in".
  • Create playlists which will be added to the "Hub" known as their study area and suite of features. 
  • Search for medical topics in our topic section of the navigation bar. 

Searching for content


This displays my interaction design when users activate our search experience and how they look for content while learning e.g. Dermatology. 

  • Users can expand collapsable cards of content that are split up by various groups according to their year in medical school
  • A sticky search experience located in the thumbzone resonated with our users so they could search for content while learning about a specific topic area. 

Why We Made This?

We had a V.1 version of our mobile app which was built by developers in the early tech startup days of Osmosis. When I joined the team I had heard that our mobile experience was a paint point for users, as a result I lead the charge on iterating the designs to be more refined, brand centric, and to follow typical UX patterns. 

My Process


Problem Statement

How might we create a mobile experience to be more convenient and accessible for medical students so that they spend less time and effort searching for medical education.

Usability Testing


I conducted 1:1 usability tests with 5 participants. All of my participants were between the ages of 23-50 years old. Located in the United States. I interviewed a mix of first year to last year medical students.

Isolating Behavorial Patterns



What I Discovered



User flow


A high-level outline of users searching for content e.g. dermatology and all of the features they can interact with when viewing a video.



Early Exploration

As the lead UX designer I lead ideation sessions with the team were I explore many ideas including AI and how we could implement a chat bot feature to create study schedules for students. Below you can see where this feature would be position, how it relates to the entire experience, and why it would add value. 


Hi-Fi Wireframes


Biggest Learning Lesson

  • Target age group is key in understanding how tech savy the user is
  • Understanding features most used is dentramental to the success of product enhancements
  • Mapping out how and why a user uses a product informs innovation; meaning because studying is important for students we can introduce an AI feature to support automation. 

Selected Works

AWS TVUX design

Story AppUX UI Design

MomentumUX Design

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 Interested in learning more? Let's connect! 
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